Category Archives: Uncategorized

Thinking Teachers

There is no “off” switch for teacher brains.

Teacher brains are always thinking, tinkering, trying…

A cat crosses the street.

Great example for my next Past Simple /Past Progressive lesson! “Yesterday, while I was walking, I saw a cat.”

A cat crosses the street.

Great example for my next adjective order class. “I saw cute, tiny, thin, black, meow-speaking cat yesterday.”

A cat crosses the street.

Great illustration for my expressing likes and dislikes class.

“I love SEE+ING cats.” = correct; “I need SEE+ING cats.” = NOOOO!!!!

Cats on the brain.

Photo by Snapwire on

New Year’s Revolutions

Yes, you read the title right.

Now, am I advocating revolutions, radical resets and rampaging reengineering this New Year?


I’m just asking myself to read the phrase right.

It’s not read revolutions (“a sudden, radical, or complete change” – Merriam-Webster) but resolutions (promise to yourself to do or to not do something – Cambridge Dictionary).

Baby steps.